
My big reading project

Do you like reading? 

Of course you do, you're human and you're here. If you've found my page, you like books, simple logic!

I once spend one summer reading the entire Twilight-saga in less than 2 weeks. (Yes, I'm one of those ;) )

The limits of the brain

Over the past 7 years, I've been so strung out on stress and overwhelming pressure, that the ability to sit down and just read, was lost on me. It's quite terrible to love reading, diving into strange worlds, meeting new characters - and suddenly you can't read much more than 5 lines, then your mind is off worrying, overthinking or looking at something else in the room.

Last year I decided to change that! 

I realized how bad it had gotten and how long it had been since I had some downtime with a book. So I started with an e-book but quickly realized, that I had become one of those people who feels bothered, trying to read an e-book. I pulled myself together and got myself through Eve The Awakening by Jenna Moreci and finished in December. The book is good, I would change some stuff about the ending, but it was good. I got pulled down into the rather long story and loved how all the pictures were dancing in my head, the characters came to life and I could read several pages in a sitting. It was such a relief to get back in the game!

The Reading Project

In the Fall of 2017, I had seen enough book bloggers post about they're reading amounts, while I have a friend who was gaining in on her target to read 30 books in a year. She ended up with 32, while many others also racked up an impressive count. I thought, to encourage myself to start reading again and get a bit motivated, I would create a Reading Project! I had just released my first novel and in November I finished two more drafts and wrote my third Children's story. 2018 would be about editing, polishing, and reading!


I initially set a goal of 10 books. Nice, equal number. Not too overwhelming, allowed me to easy in on it. At the same time, I started compiling a list of books I wanted to read, but it quickly added up to much more than 10 books. My aforementioned friend joined the project, with her own version and we agreed to make it 12 books - one a month. This way, we could hold each other up on it and be sort of long-distance social on it. My list now holds 32 books and I only own 11 or 12. It will be an expensive year!

Aaaaand the books

So what's on the list? 

Well, I know I'm a little late to the party. This blog post was supposed to be made in late October, then got pushed to December due to my first attempt (and win!) at NaNoWriMo and is now being written in end January. My high-stress 7-year long situation didn't get officially resolved until January 9, so I'm only now starting to learn how to live a life where I can breathe again. Especially the past year has been like the last stretch of a 25 mile marathon on broken legs. So I'm very relieved.
I have started 2nd edit of the sequel to my debut novel Kia & The Base, but social media and especially this blog,  has had to take a back seat. I should be able to handle this shit better now. Should be!!

But speaking of SoMe, I did compile my Reading Project list.

From left upper corner: 

Reckless by Cornelia Funke.
Dødens Jagt by Joe Hill.
Nynne 4 by Henriette Lind and Lotte Thorsen.
The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter.
Shift by Hugh Howey.
The King's New Man by Elizabeth Henshall (all-time favorite).
Sjælehenteren by K.L. Berger.
The Bonds by I. A. Noah.
Sense and sensibility + Emma + Pride and Predujice by Jane Austen.

I've read The King's New Man, which I will tell you more about later and I have started on The Bonds today.
The February choice is Sjælehentern by K. L. Berger, which is in the process of being translated into Enligsh (The Soul Collector.)

It's going slow with getting back into the habit, but it feels sooo good to get started. There's a VIP book sale on the eve of January 31st, that I'm excited to tend to and ruin my finances :D I have to knock down that list a bit ;)

What's left?

Well, you, I guess.
What are you reading? I like supporting fellow authors. I'm a self-publisher, I know the hassle. But if you know of a good New Adult/Adult Fantasy, maybe even with some comedy and a lack of cheesy romance, throw me a comment! Or if you'd just like to say hi!

Thanks for reading my blog post, I look forward to being much more active here, talking about my Reading Project as well as my writing project. I hope you'll tag along.


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